
Throughout my Middle School and High School experience, I realized that many students at my school were interested in the concept of investing but didn’t know where to start. Big-name websites like Yahoo Finance and Bloomberg can become overwhelming with too much information being thrown at the student at once. I decided to create this website, TheStockZone in 10th grade to help these students, like you, learn about the investing world, starting from 0. While the website has evolved throughout the years, I felt that a course, like this, would be extremely beneficial for the students, allowing them to read the information and watch videos regarding the topics simultaneously.

In this course, you will learn about new investing terminology and various concepts regarding the stock market. These concepts include trading strategies, types of securities, policy effects, etc. After watching each video and/or reading through each lesson, you will have assignments in which you apply what you learned in the respective lesson through a virtual currency investing simulator.

In the first chapter, I will walk you through how to join the simulator and how to use its vast array of functions.

With all of that being said, I hope you enjoy and take away a lot from the course!